DMK leader and film producer AR Zafar Sadiq arrested in Rs 2000 crore drug mafia case

Amaravati: Narcotics Control Bureau officials revealed that on Saturday, DMK NRI wing leader and film producer AR Zafar Sadiq from Tamil Nadu was arrested in a drug trafficking case worth around Rs 2000 crore related to the international drug racket mafia. Last month, Delhi Police and NCB officials conducted a joint operation and identified the international drug network on February 24. In this case, the officials have already detained some people and conducted searches and seized 50 kg of pseudoephedrine from them. The police identified Zafar Sadiq as the key mastermind in this drug racket and started a search for him. NCB officials revealed that he was taken into custody on Saturday.
NCB officials said that this drug network has spread to India, New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia. It has been found that drugs are being smuggled through containers under the guise of food items like health mix powder, dry coconut. Officials revealed that a total of 45 consignments were sent in the last 3 years, out of which about 3,500 kg of pseudoephedrine was transported. He said that its value would be more than Rs.2 thousand crores in the international market. NCB officials said that they have contacted the authorities of New Zealand, Australia and Malaysia to arrest the accused in the drug mafia network.
DMK removed Zafar from the party:- Zafar Sadiq is a key figure in the DMK party in Tamil Nadu.. DMK has recently taken action against Sadiq after his role in a huge drug racket came to light.. Party General Secretary Duraimurugan announced that the NRI section will be removed along with the basic membership of the party.

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