Top Maoist leader Hidma was killed in the encounter
Hyderabad: Madhvi Hidma, a member of Mao’s central committee, was met with an encounter by the forces of Greyhounds. Officials said that Hidma was killed in a shootout between the Maoists and the police. This encounter took place on the border of Bijapur and Telangana on Wednesday. It is reported that this operation was carried out under the command of Telangana Greyhounds, CRPP Cobra. Hidma, who is under 40 years of age, is recognized as the mastermind of the Maoists. Hidma, who joined the Maoists at the age of 17, is said to have reached the level of the Central Committee shortly. Hidma, who studied up to 5th standard, is heard to be proficient in English as well as tribal dialects and several regional languages of the country. He is also known as Hidmalu and Santhosh. Hidma leads People’s Liberation Guerrilla Battalion Number One. The police conducted combing on the information that he was hiding in the forest. When the Maoists detected the arrival of the police, they opened fire. Hidma was killed when the police opened fire on them. There is a reward of Rs. 45 lakhs on Hidma, who is currently a member of the Maoist Central Committee.