Bail for Telangana BJP state president Bandi.Sanjay
Hyderabad: Telangana BJP state president and MP Bandi Sanjay was arrested by the police on Wednesday for allegedly leaking the 10th class Hindi paper. BJP state president Bandi Sanjay, who came out on bail from Karimnagar Jail in this case at 9.30 am on Friday, told the media and warned that the agitation against the Telangana Public Service Commission paper leaks would intensify and put three demands before the BRS government.
He wants to conduct an inquiry with the sitting judge on the leakages of TSPSC papers. Minister KTR was involved in the leakage of TSPSC exam papers and demanded his removal from the ministry. Demanded compensation of one lakh rupees to the candidates who suffered due to TSPSC paper leakages. They said that 30 lakh students have lost, and if they spoke on their behalf, they were arrested as a conspiracy. He made it clear that he will continue the movement until these three demands are implemented by the KCR government. A rally will be held soon in Warangal with the bereaved youth.