Jail sentence for the professor who sexually molested female students in Kalakshetra Foundation

Amaravati: Professor Hari Padman, who works at the prestigious Kalakshetra Foundation, which teaches traditional art in Chennai, was found guilty of sexually assaulting female students on Tuesday. After the Magistrate Court in Saidapet found him guilty and sentenced him under IPC Sections 509, 354(A), Section 4, Harassment of Women Prevention Act, the Chennai Police sent him to jail. The Tamil Nadu Women’s Commission has demanded the police to remand three other faculty members accused of sexual harassment till they are acquitted. More than 200 female students have expressed concern that Professor Hari Padman is sexually harassing them. They expressed their feelings that they are being sexually harassed, body shaming and scolding. Although the students had previously complained against the professor, the college management did not take any action. In this context, around 90 female students submitted a complaint to the State Women’s Commission on Friday. The police received these complaints and arrested the professor on Saturday.

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