Pathankot terror mastermind Shahid Latif shot dead in Pakistan

Amaravati: Shahid Latif, the mastermind behind the 2016 terror attack on Indian Air Force base in India’s Pathankot, was shot dead at close range by unidentified men in Pakistan on Wednesday.
Latif, who has strong links with the Jaish-e-Mohammed terrorist organization, was shot dead outside a mosque in Sialkot by the assailants who immediately fled from the spot. After receiving the information, the police reached the spot and started investigation.

NIA declares Latif most wanted terrorist in Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) case. Latif, who was a senior member of Pakistan’s Anukul terrorist organization Jaish-e-Mohammed, planned the attack on the Pathankot Indian Air Force Base in 2016. Terrorists inspired by Pakistan on a large scale attacked the air force station at that time. Latif masterminded the entire conspiracy from Sialkot. Jaish also sent terrorists to attack the base camp. He was sent back to Pakistan through the Wagah border in 2010 after a 16-year long prison sentence in India. After his release in 2010, the NIA has made it clear that efforts to prepare jihadists have intensified. His name has been included in the list of wanted terrorists of the Government of India.

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