PM Modi inaugurates Aljamiya-tos-Saifiyah Arabic Academy campus

Amaravati: I have come as a member of your family, not as Prime Minister; Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that coming here is like meeting family members. Aljamiya-tos-Saifiyah Arabic Academy Mumbai campus inaugurated on Friday. After inaugurating this educational institute, Prime Minister Modi said, I have seen your video… But I have a complaint against you… He said that you are repeatedly called Prime Minister, Chief Minister.. I am a member of your family, I am not the prime minister here, nor the chief minister.. I think it’s my luck… I am connected with this family for four generations… He said that these four generations came to my house..

People of this category have always stood firm in the developmental test. He said that the opening of Aljamiya-Tus-Saifiyah Arabic Academy is a sign of the changing times and development. Dawoodi Bohras are continuously progressing with time. If there is a good intention behind the aspirations, the results will always be positive. It is the premier educational institution of Dawoodi Bohra Muslims. It is known that he has close relations with this group of people.


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