Vikram lander, Pragyan rover started its journey towards Zabili

Amaravati: Indian Space Research Organization’s ambitious Chandrayaan-3 launch has been successful. On Friday, the MLVM-3 M4 rocket carrying the Chandrayaan-3 satellite from Sriharikota Center will blast off into Ningi, carrying the hopes and aspirations of Indians. At 2.35.17 seconds in the afternoon the journey started towards Jabilli.. The MLVM-3 M4 rocket launched the 3,900 kg Chandrayaan-3 payload into space. Chandrayaan-3 has a propulsion module that will carry the spacecraft from Earth’s orbit to the Moon’s orbit after separation from the rocket, the Vikram lander to carry out research after landing on the Moon, and the Pragyan rover that will orbit the surface and carry out research, ISRO said. The rocket will launch Chandrayaan-3 into a 170 X 36,500 km elliptical orbit around the Earth. This model revolves around the earth for 24 days. On August 23 or 24, the module with the lander and rover will separate from the propulsion module. It rushes towards the surface of Zabili at a speed of 6 thousand kilometers per hour.

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