All preparations are being made for Chandrayaan-3 launch on July 13- ISRO Chairman Somanad

Amaravati: ISRO Chairman Somnath said on Wednesday that India is ready for the launch of Chandrayaan-3, another prestigious mission. It will be launched from the Satish Dhawan Space Center in Sriharikota between July 12-19, the exact date will be announced after completion of all the tests. He said that now Chandrayaan-3 has been fully attached to the spacecraft. If all conditions are favourable, Chandrayaan-3 will enter Ningi at 2.30 pm on July 13, the sources said. Chandrayaan-3 mission will be launched by the heaviest rocket, Geosynchronous Launch Vehicle Mark-III. An indigenous Lander Module (LM), Propulsion Module (PM) and a rover will be sent to the Moon. The rover will be safely landed on the moon through the Chandrayaan-3 mission, which is being carried out at a cost of Rs.615 crores. Many researches related to the surface of the moon will be undertaken.
If experiments are conducted on the moon, India will become the fourth country to achieve this feat.

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