Neeraj Chopra won the diamond in javelin throw

Amaravathi: India’s star javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra won the prestigious Diamond League final. Neeraj became the first Indian athlete to become the Diamond League champion. Czech Republic athlete Jakub Vadlejch finished second with a best throw of 86.94 meters. Germany’s Julian Weber finished third with 83.73m. Neeraj Chopra fouled in the first attempt after the throws started in the Diamond League finals. But in the second attempt, he threw the javelin 88.44 meters and jumped to the top spot. He threw 88 meters in the 3rd attempt and 86.11 meters in the 4th attempt..In the last attempt he threw 87 meters in Javelin..The rest of the athletes failed to compete with Neeraj in the league..Even though Neeraj reached the Diamond League finals meet in 2017 and 2018, he could not win the title.


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