Arrangements are complete for GSLV-3 launch

Nellore: Arrangements have been completed to send satellites to earth orbit by ISRO’s ambitious GSLV Mark-3 rocket. Scientists are all set for the launch of the GSLV-Mark 3 (LV-M3) rocket from India’s Space Launch Center Share in Tirupati district on Sunday. At 12 hours 12 minutes on Saturday night i.e. Sunday GS LV-3 will go into space. The countdown will start from midnight on Friday. 36 commercial satellites from the UK weighing 5,200 kg will be sent into orbit. The rocket was designed for full commercial use after construction following a contract with NSIL. By sending 36 foreign satellites into space simultaneously, business opportunities will come to ISRO and New Space India Limited. An agreement was recently signed between one web and NSIL for the launch of 36 satellites. Radhakrishnan, Chairman and Managing Director of NSIL, said that the JEO Synchronous Transfer to Orbit of 4 tonne satellite is a historic moment for ISRO.


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